Салат цезарь с курицей

Торт цезарь


I would go as far as claim that egalitarianism, equality, universalism, the brotherhood of man, the purported inexistence of races and its corollary, non-discrimination as the central value constitute the faith of the worst generation ever since prehistory!
Any form of liberal society is thus fundamentally incompatible with our goals, any society that is rooted in pursuit of self-interest and hedonism that passes for ‘happiness’ today and is concerned with standards of living as the alpha and omega of all things is what we seek to root out in its entirety, for this society will only produce the kind of loathsome subhuman parasites that will inevitably subvert any and all Truth in the pursuit of their insatiable and bestial desires, from which blood purity cannot protect alone.
As for the white masses—whose vegetative existence is lived unconscious of the higher forces governing them—they’ll never be moved by ideas and principles openly challenging the existing order. Only a social crisis set off by some cataclysm that makes their normal way of life impossible will cause them to look for alternatives. And at that point, what matters most will not be ideas and principles, but men and organizations whose exemplary stature instills in them the confidence for decisive action.

Christianity as the downfall of Whites

Mentally and spiritually, César Tort turned his back on Christianity in adulthood. He considers this religion to be “semitic malware”, an outrageous “death cult for whites”. All white values have been inverted by Christianity since its emergence in Europe, so that sub-humanism can be spread and triumph unhindered, while the white race is increasingly degenerating, to such an extent that it must fight for its bare survival.

In his investigations and assessments César Tort uses the German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche and the champion of white race interests, William Pierce, whom he considers the greatest spirit America has produced.

Already at the conquest of the American continent, the Spaniards and Portuguese had spoiled their blood due to an ignominious, racial mixture of Christian convictions (‘all human brethren in Christ’). In this context César Tort strongly disagrees with what he calls ‘monocausalists’, who only blame the long-lasting, vicious Jewish influence, for the decline of whites. Long before Jews had set foot on American soil, the Christian European conquerors and colonists, including Englishmen and Frenchmen, were driven by greed to ensure that the conquered territories were filled with mestizos and Mulattoes.

Чем можно заменить некоторые классические ингредиенты соуса Цезарь при приготовлении в домашних условиях?

Что добавить вместо вустерского (вустерширского) соуса?

Только представьте: настоящий, классический английский ворчестер готовят из более 30 ингредиентов! Его самобытный кисло-сладкий вкус будет очень сложно имитировать другими продуктами. Но если вы все же решились на этот шаг, вам может помочь:

  • натуральный яблочный уксус;
  • чистый соевый соус или в смеси с рыбным;
  • бальзамический уксус (чистый или в сочетании с тайским соусом);
  • концентрат из перетертых ягод с кислым вкусом.

Чем допускается заменять анчоусы?

Удивительно, но маленькая невзрачная рыбка с совсем невыразительным вкусом после засолки буквально «расцветает». Добавляя анчоусы в блюда, будьте готовы к тому, что рыбного вкуса и запаха вы практически не почувствуете. Зато пряности, пикантности, особой остроты в них – хоть отбавляй. Поэтому заменять анчоусы в масле соленой селедкой или шпротами категорически не рекомендуется. В крайнем случае можно взять кильку пряного посола. Также в качестве замены можно использовать рыбный соус.

Обязательно ли класть горчицу, чем ее обычно заменяют?

Если вам нравится ненавязчивая острота в блюдах, обойтись без горчицы в Цезаре будет сложно, но можно. Например, ее можно заменить несколькими каплями соуса Табаско. А любители более мягкого вкуса могут обойтись и без добавления горчицы.

Приятного аппетита!

Главный молочник

Делаю полезную пищу вкусной и наоборот.

Attitude to the Germans

César Tort shows an exceptionally strong understanding and sympathy for the Germans, especially as far as their historical fate is concerned. In his opinion, the two world wars fought against Germany in the 20th century were the most fatal crimes that whites ever instigated. Instead of living peacefully in the guise of the ‘crown of evolution’, the Germans of that time, the leaders of the Anglo nations decided to create a world in which the cloaca gentium of the human race is on top.

The most indispensable book that every white man should read to focus on the monstrous acts done to the Germans, and to provide a foundation for contemporary historical education and judgment, explains César Tort, is “Hellstorm: The Death of Nazi Germany, 1944-1947”.

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